What to Know About Couples & Relationship Therapy

In Couples and Relationship Therapy, the goal is often to learn new ways to listen and communicate with one another (almost like learning a new language together!) rather than relying on “mind-reading” abilities and assumptions based solely on our viewpoints or past interpersonal experiences.

Two people holding ceramic mugs on a table, engaged in conversation.

Couples and individuals participating in alternative relationships (polyamory, non-monogamy, throuples, etc.) may seek therapy together for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Communication Issues

  • Lacking Trust

  • Difficulties Making Time for the Relationship due to Career and/or Busy Schedules

  • Feeling Disconnected (Emotionally, Physically, Sexually, one or all of the above, etc.)

  • Affair Recovery/Infidelity Issues

  • Differing Relationship Expectations

  • Sexual and/or Intimacy Issues

  • Identifying and/or Respecting Boundaries

  • Work-Family Conflict

  • Divorce or Separation

Whether you and your partner(s) have been together for months, years, and/or decades, couples and relationship therapy can assist with a variety of issues or concerns that may have been building for a while. Treatment can also be beneficial as a preventative measure and could help participating individuals learn skills to address issues before they even escalate.

Also contrary to some beliefs, couples and relationship therapy isn’t always “an effort to save the relationship” but rather, can help individuals explore and see if they still have the same long-term expectations or goals. As humans, we are changing everyday, and sometimes people who at one point thought they’d “be together forever” may have also changed in directions that are no longer compatible. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing and doesn’t have to be because anyone did anything “wrong.” In these situations, therapy can help partners part ways amicably and/or with a better sense of closure.